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Friday, February 4, 2022

Predicting Future Killers

Children raised with a modicum of respect and with some appreciation of who they are as individuals will grow into adults possessing some sense of personal power. Unfortunately, not a few children are brought up in homes where they are regarded as invisible or little more than biological extensions of their parents. Accordingly, they may reach maturity uncertain of their value as people, and suffer grave doubts about the degree to which they can influence the course of their own lives. Swept along helplessly by events, they lack the psychological means to move toward that which might make life worthwhile or away from people or circumstances regularly bringing them grief. Feeling utterly without power of their own, they can become totally submissive to the pernicious will of others. Yet, paradoxically, when nothing else works, they may finally be moved to the use of lethal force. Even a virtual nonperson, if sufficiently desperate, may find the strength to fire a gun. [On the other hand, kids who are given trophies for 17th place and high grades for mediocrity can become adults who are easily frustrated, can't deal with failure, and resort to violence. In reality, people who murder come from a variety of backgrounds and family situations. Predicting future killers is impossible.]

Marin Binder, M. D., Lovers, Killers, Husbands and Wives, 1985

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